San Francisco is a place you will encounter frequently in ALL Mazzaroth series books. It’s a fairly well known city, of course, but the version in Heirs of the Mazzaroth may be just a bit different than the one we know from real life. 

Important Places

  • RSD

    The Davalos Institute
  • LOTL

    The Peregrine Agency

Familiar Spots

Throughout the Heirs of the Mazzaroth Series, lots of familiar San Francisco landmarks show up. Here’s a fun list of places you might recognize!

Imaginary Places

Even though much of the San Francisco featured in the Mazzaroth Series is what you can find there in real life, there’s a LOT of stuff I just plain made up. I did try to make every element as true-to-life as possible, so these are some of the locations within my imaginary version of San Francisco.